Yaskawa Embedded Solutions in the Spotlight! Our Trade Fair Review

Embedded World 2025 (March 11-13) in Nuremberg has closed its doors. Numerous visitors, intensive technical discussions, and the presentation of our highlights from our Embedded Solutions division made the trade fair a complete success for us.

Our fair highlights under the motto "Experience Industrial Communication":

TRITON - All in One Chip
ANTAIOS - for unlimited networking
NOTOS - Backplane Bus Slave Controller
iCube Control - open automation solution for machine control technology


State Secretary Tobias Gotthardt visited our booth
On Thursday, March 13, State Secretary Tobias Gotthardt visited our booth as part of his fair tour. He learned about our profichip® communication chips, industrial processors, and future-oriented solutions in the field of industrial automation and IoT communication.

Our experts held numerous interesting discussions and made valuable contacts that will continue to inspire us in our work. Many thanks to our visitors, guests, and colleagues who contributed to the success of Embedded World 2025! The interest was high, and the response confirms our commitment to continuous innovation and solutions for the challenges of our time! We look forward to seeing you again at future events.

If you have any questions or are interested in our products and solutions, we will be happy to help you at +49 911 477710 | YEU.CP.customercare@yaskawa.eu