Our industry-leading, high-speed industrial robots include high-payload, extended-reach, ultra-maneuverable seven-axis and unique 15-axis dual-arm robots.
Overview of certified persons, companies & educational institutions
The following persons and companies listed have achieved the certification for the respective level of education by participating in the required training and by passing the respective exams. This certification stands for a high degree and good quality training. We congratulate!

Graduates of bachelor programming exam
- Linus Domaschk, AKE Systemtechnik
- Sakir Capraz, Fa. Rosen Eiskrem
- Abdurrahman Jaber; Fa. Jabertools
- Andreas Leuchtenmüller, Fa. Leuchtenmüller
- Salvatore Fratantonio, Fa. UVEX Arbeitsschutz GmbH
- Frank Meyer, Ingenieurbüro Frank Meyer GmbH
- Manuel Wittler, Firma Continental Automotive GmbH
- Michael Janske, Firma Continental Automotive GmbH
- Michael Friedrich, Firma Busch Produktions GmbH
- Michael Multhaup, DMA Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG
- Anton Nikolov, Firma Kammarton Bulgaria EOOD
- Zdravko Zdravkov, Firma Kammarton Bulgaria EOOD
- Michael Wiesinger, Firma Weldstone GmbH
- Vaclav Vajner, Firma Messer Eutetic Castolin
- Roland Drehsen, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Bart Geerdink, YASKAWA Benelux B.V.
- Carlo Gubbels, YASKAWA Benelux B.V.
- Kenneth Brännmark, YASKAWA Nordic AB
- Mr. Blaz Koncilja; YASKAWA Ristro d.o.o.
- Mr. Svan Mali; YASKAWA Ristro d.o.o.
- Ville Kunelius; YASKAWA Finland OY
- Juanjo Coca; YASKAWA Ibérica S.L.
- Emre Pamuk; YASKAWA Turkey
- Robin Lindor; YASKAWA Nordic AB
- Erih Arko; YASKAWA Slovenija d.o.o.
- Henri Karvonen; YASKAWA Finland OY
- Kevin Walker; YASKAWA UK Ltd.
- Timo Roos, Johnson Matthey Catalysts Germany
- Lorenz Leukefeld, Leukefeld Automation Solution

Graduates of Bachelor Maintenance exam
- Szabolcs Gal, MPL Romania
- Günther Veibel, MPL Romania
- Johannes Möbius, VW Kassel
- Alexander Richert; VW Kassel
- Robert Nacios, Integrator Polen
- Lukasz Leciak, Integrator Polen
- Marek Grużlewski, Integrator Polen
- Aleksander Kwarciński, Integrator Polen
- Adam Gieruszyński, Integrator Polen
- Przemysław Chróstowski, Integrator Polen
- Alex Braun, Firma BIS Braun Industrie Service
- Laszlo Eröss, Firma BIS Braun Industrie Service
- Abdul Rahman Hudair, Firma Gulf-Tech Automation
- Prakash Manoharan, Firma Gulf-Tech Automation
- Krzysztof Wojcik, Firma AWAG - Anlagenbau & Wartung GmbH
- David Tschirch; Geberit Lichtenstein GmbH

Graduates of Bachelor Expert exam
- Sascha Borm, Firma Purem GmbH
- Dennis Schubert, Firma SKA SPS-Technik GmbH
- Roman Reiswich, Fa. Kesseböhmer
- Jens Borchardt, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Michael Lambrecht, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Roman Reiswich, Kesseböhmer Beschlagsysteme
- Erik Stenzel, YASKAWA Europe GmbH

Graduates of Master Programming exam
- Abdurrahman Jaber; Fa. Jabertools
- Andreas Leuchtenmüller, Fa. Leuchtenmüller
- Stanislaw Wagner, Fa. Heidenbluth GmbH
- Michael Wiesinger, Firma Weldstone GmbH
- Michael Multhaup, DMA Maschinenbau- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG
- Michael Friedrich, Firma Busch Produktions GmbH
- Matthias Brandhoff, Firma Heidenbluth GmbH
- Vaclav Vajner, Firma Messer Eutetic Castolin
- Dominik Romagna, SwissDrives AG
- Sebastian Adams, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Cristian Agafitei, Normandia S.R.L
- Krzysztof Debicki, YASKAWA Polska Sp.z o.o.
- Jeremy Fuhrmann, Heidenbluth GmbH
- Andrei Gurzu, Normandia S.R.L
- Jakob Hoffmann, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Alexander Jakobi, Kesseböhmer Beschlagsysteme
- Robert Kasleder, Normandia S.R.L
- Sergej Klassen, SKA - Robotics GmbH
- Alexander Kottwitz, Muhr & Bender Maschinenbau GmbH
- Jaroslaw Mazur, YASKAWA Polska Sp.z o.o.
- Florian Pflüger, Busch Produktions GmbH
- Dominik Romagna, SwissDrives AG
- Günter Schaller, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Waldemar Schmidt, SKA SPS-Technik GmbH
- Dennis Schubert, SKA SPS-Technik GmbH
- Miroslaw Stangret, YASKAWA Polska Sp.z o.o.

Graduates of Master Maintenance exam
- Szabolcs Gal, MPL Romania
- Günther Veibel, MPL Romania
- Johannes Möbius, VW Kassel
- Alexander Richert; VW Kassel
- Robert Nacios, Integrator Polen
- Lukasz Leciak, Integrator Polen
- Marek Grużlewski, Integrator Polen
- Aleksander Kwarciński, Integrator Polen
- Adam Gieruszyński, Integrator Polen
- Przemysław Chróstowski, Integrator Polen
- Lukasz Debudaj, AKE Robotics sp. z.o.o.
- Krzysztof Wojcik, Firma AWAG - Anlagenbau & Wartung GmbH
- Alex Braun, Firma BIS Braun Industrie Service
- Laszlo Eröss, Firma BIS Braun Industrie Service
- Abdul Rahman Hudair, Firma Gulf-Tech Automation
- Prakash Manoharan, Firma Gulf-Tech Automation
- Akos Pocik, AWAG - Anlagenbau & Wartungs GmbH

Graduates of Master Expert exam
- Alexander Vivas Stadler, AVISTAR
- Gerhard Reithmaier
- Frank Meier, Frank Meier EDV Beratung
- Abdurrahman Jaber, Firma Jabertools
- Sascha Borm, Firma Purem GmbH
- Jean-Louis Mannca, Raffael Manca e.K.
- Tim Becker, Jabertools & Robotics
- Mark Donauer, Purem GmbH
- Safiye Feicht, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Aliyar Gulam, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Ismail Jaber, Jabertools & Robotics
- Marvin Jaßmeier, YASKAWA Europe GmbH
- Jean Louis Manca, Raffael Manca e.K.
- Markus Pethan, SKA SPS-Technik GmbH
- Dragi Petrovic, YASKAWA Europe GmbH

Graduates of Certified Trainer exam
- Andreas Schramm, AS Robot
- Frank Meier, Frank Meier EDV Beratung
- Sascha Born, Purem GmbH
- Mark Donauer, Purem GmbH

Certified Service Provider
- Andreas Schramm, AS Robot
- Alexander Vivas Stadler, AVISTAR
- Frank Meier, Frank Meier EDV Beratung
- Abdurrahman Jaber, Fa. Jabertools
- Alex Braun, BIS Braun Industrie Service

Certified Training Partner
- WIFI Linz, Upper Austria