Our industry-leading, high-speed industrial robots include high-payload, extended-reach, ultra-maneuverable seven-axis and unique 15-axis dual-arm robots.
iCube Control
Whether you want the flexibility of open system design, the scalability of modular system integration or the certainty of security and safety—you get it all with the iCube Control platform. With one controller, built to perform impeccably over the life of your system.
iCube Control is the open automation machine control solution, based on the PLCnext technology running on a realtime Linux system that gives engineers, application developers, machine builders and designers total control over their systems.
MP3000iec Series
For a wide Range of Applications
Using the MP3000iec Series of machine controllers improves handling and performance in a broad range of applications. With up to 52 MB of memory for user-data and up to 1 GHz CPU speed, even very complex applications with up to 62 axes can be controlled.
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