Our industry-leading, high-speed industrial robots include high-payload, extended-reach, ultra-maneuverable seven-axis and unique 15-axis dual-arm robots.
Robotics Software
MotoCom SDK
Software Development Kit for PC-Robot Controller Communication

Yaskawa Europe Software Robotics Software MotoCom SDK
MotoCom SDK
Motocom SDK is a Software Development Toolkit to access and communicate between YASKAWA Robot Controllers and PC, based on DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Technology. MotoCom32 makes it easier to build PC-based applications with the need to access data on Yaskawa Controllers, e.g. HMI Visualisations, backup software or file transfer. It also provides the ability to access the robot from different clients without changing the configuration. MotoCom32 makes it easier to build PC-based applications or drivers requiring data access to Yaskawa Robot Controllers.
MotocomSDK is provided as a native Windows DLL supporting BSC, EServer and HSEServer protocol and a managed assembly (32 and 64bit) supporting HSEServer protocol. It can be used with common development environments like Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, .Net etc.
Main features:
- Supports current YRC1000 and FS100 generation controllers, but also former generations like MRC, XRC, ERC, NX100, NXC, DX100, DX200, with 3 different Protocols (HSEServer, EServer and BSC)
- File transfer functions
- Robot control functions
- Status information
- System monitoring
- Setting or reading of I/O signals
- Communication control
- DCI functions for job-initiated PC communication (LOADV, SAVEV etc.)
- Library with examples
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Technical Details
- Product Type
- Development Tools
- Mobile App
- x No
- Operating System
- x No
- Min. required CPU
- x No
- Min. required RAM
- x No
- Min. required HDD Capacity
- x No