Our industry-leading, high-speed industrial robots include high-payload, extended-reach, ultra-maneuverable seven-axis and unique 15-axis dual-arm robots.
Life cycle change announcements
09.10.2023 Release of GA700 models from 450 kW to 630 kW
24.02.2023 Phase-out of A1000, V1000, J1000
01.06.2021 Phase-out of sine filter series SR
11.05.2021 Phase-out of A1000 IP54 ready
11.05.2021 Phase-out of A1000 IP54 Wall Mount
11.05.2021 Phase-out of A1000 IP54 Wall Mount with Main Switch
03.05.2021 Phase-out of L1000V
discontinued discontinuation phaseout phase-out discontinue